Friday, January 16, 2009


Well, Leslie tagged me, so I'm supposed to think of 7 random facts about myself and post them...

1) I have horrible nightmares almost every single night. They are different from just bad dreams that someone would remember when they woke up. These are nightmares that wake me up from a dead sleep. They are always involving death and I never wake up before I "see" the dead loved one that is starring in the particular nightmare.

2) I'm scared of bridges. They make me extremely nervous, I get hot flashes and my palms begin to sweat, and my heart rate speeds up a little bit. The fear is worse when someone other than myself else is driving and I have to keep my head down to where I can't see off the sides of the bridge. And, when people find out that I'm scared of them, and they like to swerve around and "joke"...I don't think it's cute and it really does piss me off.

3) I like the smell of gasoline, permanent markers, nail polish, nail polish remover, you get the point...I just don't like it when any of these smells are ON me.

4) I got an award for being an excellent "cutter" in kindergarten. Apparently, it was quite a big deal that I could actually cut things out and stay on the lines. They thought it was such a big deal that they called me out into the middle of the football field to receive a paper certificate. HAHAHA.......(I'm sorry...I'm not really sure why this popped into my head, but it asked for random, so you got it!)

5) I have VERY bad road rage. I'd probably be in prison if I carried a gun in my car.

6) Chop calls me Nonya.

7) I weigh myself every morning, but refuse to do it before I pee. You would be so surprised as to how much of a difference that actually makes. ;o)

I don't really know who else to tag...that hasn't already done this. My brother Matt is about all that is left...and he won't do it.

1 comment:

  1. lol love the no weighing yourself before you pee I gotta start doing that ;0)
